Latmos Apps Etsy Store Opened!

We started to sell Excel VBA applications, which we designed and developed with the experience we gained from process improvement and development studies, through our ETSY store. If you want to see our Excel VBA products, the link of our store is here.

Our apps in the store;

  • Excel VBA Budget Tracking App. Designed for small, medium-sized companies and families. With this application, you can track monthly and annual budgets and create reports. Excel VBA Budget App.

  • Excel VBA Inventory Management App. It is designed for small and medium-sized companies. You can easily track your stock with this application. Excel VBA Inventory App

  • Excel VBA Team Task Management App. Designed for small, medium-sized companies and families. With this application you can assign tasks to employees, teams or family members and keep track of them. Excel VBA Team Task Management App

  • Excel VBA Employee Attendance Tracking App. Designed for small, medium-sized companies and families. With this application you can track and analyse the attendance of the employees. Excel VBA Attendance App

You can watch promotional videos about our Excel VBA products on our YouTube channel. Latmos Apps Youtube Channel You can visit our Etsy store and have a look at our products. LatmosApps Etsy.

Yayın tarihi 28/08/2023